Interstate Inn Merch Design

Project Goal:

With a retro chic vibe, Interstate Inn needed an illustration to kickoff their merch and celebrate the grand opening.


Although this motel was newly rebuilt and designed, it honored much of what was there from the 60's. The big neon sign was carefully refurbished and much of the decor called to the abstract shapes and bright colors of that era. With that information, I knew the sign had to be part of it.

Building upon that we discussed how to incorporate the place as well being a college town nestled right in the heart of horse country and Texas. You'd easily find a roping one weekend, a rodeo another, and a barrel race the next. I brought in a horse, bluebonnets and a small landscape scene of a wide open road to give visuals to the town of Stephenville, Texas.

Finally we had our classy cowgirl, with coffee in hand and her bags packed, she was ready to hit the road back to her favorite place, Interstate Inn.

This design was used on a t-shirt, tote bag, and also a postcard. For the postcard, I increased the size of the brand's sign which brought the square shape into a rectangular format and drove focus to the element with the most history.