The Lone Cowgirl
The lone cowgirl in a landscape is imagery that has captivated me for many years. To honor this inspiration, I'm creating a collection set to be released in 2025.
Collection Inspiration
If you've ever been alone in what could be described as the middle of nowhere surrounded by the biggest expanse of land you've ever seen, you'll know this feeling. It's a feeling of respect and admiration. A feeling that says everything here is equal, you are not greater than the smallest creature or smaller than a massive thunderhead. This is the feeling of the lone cowgirl subject. The best way I can describe it with words is this:
The land surrounds you, sings to you and the sun tans the tops of your hands. In all of it you are at peace, but you also have an innate understanding of just how small you are in that place. This smallness does not make you feel less than, but instead respected and, in turn, a respect for every other living thing out there.
It’s a feeling that grounds you and also gives you strength. It’s why being among the land is so important, as it helps shrink a mountain of challenges down to molehill-size and provides the inspiration needed to keep going.
Collection Details
Release Date: 2025
This collection’s focus is to capture feelings of strength and smallness that comes from being the solitary figure in a landscape that stretches out in front of you.
As I work through each piece I’ll be sharing highlights on social media and deeper looks at the process and details with my newsletter list, as they will get first access when it officially is complete. To follow along, you can sign up below.