Fort Worth, Wild Rags and Schaefer Outfitter
Designing a wild rag that embodies Fort Worth, western heritage and the land is exactly the type of work I enjoy doing.
First there's the place — Fort Worth, Texas — one that I've drawn countless inspiration from. You can find that inspiration in the pieces Joy, Cactus Cafe and North Side to name a few. Secondly, the western roots and heritage are a deeply ingrained part of my past and present.
Lastly, the land. I don't know how many times I've been inspired by this land surrounding Fort Worth. In the spring, the way the wind blows through the grass causing a ripple of movement in color as the slightly lighter underbelly of the blades are flipped up and back down with the wind. The way the wildflowers collect in the ditches on the side of the road. Even the hot summer sun, I find a beauty in it too.
Now, about Schaefer Outfitter. I took a walk through their Fort Worth Stockyards store just the other day, and I could have taken home a couple hats, a vest in all of my favorite brown and gold hues and definitely a few pearl snaps. Their products are straightforward and rooted in the durability of everyday use. These are the things I considered when designing the layout for this wild rag.
The Sketched Design
I started this process by sketching 6 small thumbnails of all the ideas I thought might work. As I put them down on paper, I began to come up with new threads to look into and even noticed how moving cattle usually causes them to line out, which could actually create a subtle 'S' shape in my design.
From there I picked the strongest layout and elements and began sketching how they would go together. At this stage I moved to the iPad for its ease in sizing and moving different pieces. I enjoy what technology can do, but once I had the layout finalized I brought it back to pencil and paper.
The main illustration is a pastoral scene of two riders moving longhorns in the pasture with a repeating border that features a cacti in bloom, armadillo, spurs, horny toad, and a guitar along the edges. All in all, it's a mix of familiarity and a little bit of nostalgia.